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Automated Unit Testing

Automated Unit Testing

How Automated Unit Testing Works

  1. Developers write unit tests for each unit of code they develop.
  2. Unit tests are typically written using a unit testing framework, such as JUnit, NUnit, or Pytest.
  3. Unit tests are executed regularly, typically as part of the software build process.
  4. If a unit test fails, it means that the corresponding unit of code is not working as expected.
  5. Developers then fix the code and re-run the unit tests to ensure that the issue has been resolved.

Examples of Automated Unit Testing

Best Practices for Automated Unit Testing

Automated Unit Testing Tools

Additional Resources

How to Choose a Unit Testing Tool

When choosing a unit testing tool, consider the following factors:

Related Terms to Automated Unit Testing

Additional Related Terms

I hope this helps!


Before you can do automated unit testing, you need to have the following in place:

Optional but recommended:

Once you have all of these things in place, you can start writing and running automated unit tests.

What’s next?

After you have automated unit testing in place, the next steps may include:

In addition to these types of testing, you may also want to consider:

The specific testing activities that you need to perform will depend on the specific needs of your project and the risks associated with your system.

Once you have completed all of the necessary testing, you can then deploy your system to production.