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Canary Deployments

Canary Deployments


Canary deployments are a technique used in software development to gradually release new versions of software to a subset of users or servers. This allows teams to monitor the performance and stability of the new version in a controlled manner before rolling it out to all users.

How it works:

  1. A small percentage of users or servers (the “canary”) are directed to the new version of the software.
  2. The performance and stability of the new version are closely monitored.
  3. If no significant issues are found, the percentage of users or servers receiving the new version is gradually increased.
  4. This process continues until all users or servers are receiving the new version.




Tools for Canary Deployments:

Resources on Canary Deployments:

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Some related terms to Canary Deployments are:

These terms are all related to the concept of safely and reliably deploying and operating software applications.

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Before you can do Canary Deployments, you need to have the following in place:

In addition to the above, you may also need to consider the following:

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What’s next?

After you have Canary Deployments in place, you can start to use them to safely and reliably deploy new versions of your software application. Here are some of the things you can do next:

In addition to the above, you may also want to consider the following:

Overall, canary deployments are a powerful tool that can help you to safely and reliably deploy new versions of your software application. By following the steps above, you can get the most out of canary deployments and improve the quality and reliability of your software application.