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Code Review

Code Review Definition (in less than 200 words):

Code review is a systematic examination of computer source code by one or more programmers, typically performed with a view to identifying and resolving potential issues such as bugs, security vulnerabilities, and compliance violations. It is a collaborative process that involves multiple stakeholders, including the code author, reviewers, and often other team members.

Code Review Examples and Common Practices:

Benefits of Code Review:

Common Code Review Tools:

Additional Resources:

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Sure, here are some tools and products that can help with code review:



Visual Studio Code:


Review Board:


These tools and products offer a variety of features and capabilities to facilitate efficient and effective code reviews. The choice of tool depends on the specific needs and preferences of the development team.

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Here are some related terms to Code Review:

Peer Review:

Pull Request:

Code Inspection:

Static Code Analysis:

Unit Testing:

Integration Testing:

Regression Testing:

These related terms are all part of the broader software development and quality assurance processes that help ensure the production of high-quality and reliable software.

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Before you can do code review, the following needs to be in place:

1. Version Control System:

2. Code Review Tool or Process:

3. Defined Code Review Guidelines:

4. Developer Training:

5. Dedicated Time for Code Reviews:

6. Culture of Collaboration and Feedback:

7. Automated Testing:

8. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Pipeline:

Once these prerequisites are in place, teams can effectively conduct code reviews to improve the quality and maintainability of their codebase.

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What’s next?

After code review, the next steps typically involve addressing the feedback and comments provided by the reviewers and making necessary changes to the code. This process can be iterative, with multiple rounds of code review and revisions until the code meets the desired quality standards.

Here are the common steps that come after code review:

1. Resolving Review Comments:

2. Revised Code Review:

3. Unit Testing and Integration Testing:

4. Code Merge:

5. Deployment:

6. Monitoring and Feedback:

7. Continuous Improvement:

By following these steps after code review, development teams can ensure that high-quality code is merged into the codebase, resulting in a more stable, reliable, and maintainable software product.

I hope this information is helpful. Please let me know if you have any further questions.