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E2E testing

End-to-End (E2E) Testing

Tools for End-to-End (E2E) Testing:

1. Selenium:

2. Cypress:

3. TestCafe:

4. Puppeteer:

5. Playwright:

6. Katalon Studio:

7. SoapUI:

8. Postman:

9. Gatling:

10. JMeter:

These tools can be used to automate various aspects of E2E testing, such as:

By using these tools, testers can improve the quality and efficiency of their E2E testing efforts.

Related Terms to End-to-End (E2E) Testing:

1. Functional Testing:

2. Non-Functional Testing:

3. Integration Testing:

4. System Testing:

5. User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

6. Exploratory Testing:

7. Regression Testing:

8. Smoke Testing:

9. Sanity Testing:

10. Performance Testing:

11. Security Testing:

12. Accessibility Testing:

These related terms cover various aspects of software testing, including different types of testing, testing techniques, and testing considerations. By understanding these terms, testers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the E2E testing process and how it fits into the overall software testing strategy.


Before you can perform End-to-End (E2E) testing, you need to have the following in place:

1. Clear Requirements and Specifications:

2. Stable and Testable Application:

3. Test Environment:

4. Test Data:

5. Test Plan and Strategy:

6. Automation Framework and Tools:

7. Skilled Testing Team:

8. Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) Pipeline:

9. Defect Tracking and Management System:

10. Monitoring and Alerting:

By having these elements in place, you can ensure that your E2E testing is effective, efficient, and provides valuable insights into the overall quality and functionality of your application.

What’s next?

After End-to-End (E2E) testing, the next steps typically involve:

1. Defect Resolution and Regression Testing:

2. Performance and Load Testing:

3. Security Testing:

4. User Acceptance Testing (UAT):

5. Deployment and Monitoring:

6. Continuous Improvement:

7. Documentation and Reporting:

By following these steps after E2E testing, organizations can ensure that their applications are thoroughly tested, meet user expectations, and are ready for production deployment. Continuous improvement and monitoring help maintain the application’s quality and reliability over time.