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Graceful Service Degradation (Individual CUJs)

Graceful Service Degradation (Individual CUJs)

Graceful service degradation is a technique used in distributed systems to handle situations where a component or service becomes unavailable or degraded. The goal is to continue providing service to users, even at a reduced level, rather than causing the entire system to fail.

Individual CUJs:

Individual circuit breakers (CUJs) are a specific implementation of graceful service degradation. A CUJ is a protective mechanism that monitors the health of a service and automatically takes action to protect the system from failures. When a CUJ detects that a service is experiencing problems, it can take various actions, such as:

By using individual CUJs, system architects can isolate failures and prevent them from cascading across the entire system. This helps to ensure that users continue to receive service, even if some components are experiencing problems.



Here are some tools and products that can help with Graceful Service Degradation (Individual CUJs):



Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker:




These tools and products can help system architects and developers to implement graceful service degradation and individual CUJs in their distributed systems. By doing so, they can improve the resilience and availability of their systems, and ensure that users continue to receive service, even when individual components or services fail.

Here are some related terms to Graceful Service Degradation (Individual CUJs):

These terms are all related to the concept of designing and building systems that are resilient to failures and can continue to provide service, even in the face of adversity.


Before you can implement Graceful Service Degradation (Individual CUJs), you need to have the following in place:

Once you have these components in place, you can start to implement graceful service degradation by using individual CUJs. This involves configuring the circuit breakers to trip when a service is experiencing problems, and then implementing logic in your client applications to handle the tripped circuit breaker.

By following these steps, you can improve the resilience and availability of your distributed system and ensure that users continue to receive service, even when individual components or services fail.

What’s next?

After you have implemented Graceful Service Degradation (Individual CUJs), there are a few things you can do to further improve the resilience and availability of your distributed system:

By following these steps, you can further improve the resilience and availability of your distributed system and ensure that users continue to receive service, even in the face of failures.

In addition to the above, you should also consider the following:

By following these practices, you can build a highly resilient and available distributed system that can withstand failures and continue to provide service to users.