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Microservices is an architectural style where a single application is composed of multiple loosely coupled, independently deployable services. Each microservice is responsible for a specific functionality or business capability, and communicates with other services through well-defined APIs.

Examples and References:




Tools and Products for Microservices:

1. Kubernetes:

2. Docker:

3. Istio:

4. Spring Boot:

5. Netflix OSS:

6. Linkerd:

7. Apache ServiceComb:

These tools and products can help with various aspects of microservices development, deployment, and management, making it easier to build and operate microservices-based applications.

Related Terms to Microservices:

These related terms are commonly used in conjunction with microservices to build and operate distributed systems effectively.


Before implementing a microservices architecture, it is essential to have the following in place:

Having these elements in place will provide a solid foundation for successfully implementing and operating a microservices architecture.

What’s next?

After implementing microservices, the next steps typically involve optimizing and evolving the microservices architecture to meet changing business needs and technological advancements. Some key considerations include:

By focusing on these aspects, organizations can optimize and evolve their microservices architecture to drive business agility, innovation, and long-term success.