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N+2 Global Planning

N+2 Global Planning

N+2 global planning is a supply chain management strategy that aims to ensure that there is always enough inventory to meet demand, even in the event of unexpected disruptions. The “N” in N+2 represents the normal level of inventory that is needed to meet demand, while the “+2” represents the additional safety stock that is kept in reserve to protect against disruptions.

Benefits of N+2 Global Planning:

How N+2 Global Planning Works:

N+2 global planning is a proactive approach to supply chain management that involves the following steps:

  1. Identify potential disruptions: Companies using N+2 global planning first identify potential disruptions that could impact their supply chain. These disruptions could include natural disasters, supplier problems, or transportation delays.
  2. Assess the impact of disruptions: Once potential disruptions have been identified, companies assess the impact that these disruptions could have on their supply chain. This includes estimating the amount of inventory that would be lost or delayed in the event of a disruption.
  3. Develop mitigation strategies: Companies then develop mitigation strategies to reduce the impact of disruptions. These strategies may include increasing safety stock levels, diversifying suppliers, or using alternative transportation routes.
  4. Monitor the supply chain: Companies using N+2 global planning continuously monitor their supply chain for signs of disruptions. This allows them to take early action to mitigate the impact of disruptions.

Examples of N+2 Global Planning:


Tools and Products for N+2 Global Planning:

These tools and products can help companies to implement N+2 global planning and improve their supply chain resilience.

Additional Resources:

Related Terms to N+2 Global Planning:

Other related terms include:

These terms are all related to the process of planning and managing the supply chain to ensure that companies have the products and services they need to meet demand, even in the event of disruptions.


Before you can do N+2 Global Planning, you need to have the following in place:

Once you have these things in place, you can begin to implement N+2 Global Planning.

Additional Considerations:

By carefully planning and preparing, companies can successfully implement N+2 Global Planning and improve their supply chain performance.

What’s next?

After you have N+2 Global Planning in place, the next steps are to:

  1. Implement the N+2 global plan: This involves making changes to your supply chain operations to align them with the N+2 global plan. This may involve changes to your inventory levels, supplier relationships, and transportation routes.
  2. Monitor the performance of the N+2 global plan: Once the N+2 global plan is implemented, you need to monitor its performance to ensure that it is meeting your objectives. This may involve tracking metrics such as inventory levels, customer service levels, and supply chain costs.
  3. Make adjustments to the N+2 global plan as needed: The N+2 global plan is not a static document. It should be reviewed and adjusted regularly to ensure that it is still meeting your objectives. This may involve making changes to the plan in response to changes in demand, supply, or transportation costs.

Additional Steps:

By following these steps, companies can ensure that their N+2 Global Planning efforts are successful and that they are able to achieve their supply chain goals.

Long-Term Benefits of N+2 Global Planning:

Overall, N+2 Global Planning is a valuable tool that can help companies to improve their supply chain performance and achieve their business goals.