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Reliability has a seat at the table

When reliability has a seat at the table, it means that reliability engineers and SREs (Site Reliability Engineers) are actively involved in the decision-making process and have a say in the design, development, and operation of systems. This is in contrast to traditional approaches, where reliability was often an afterthought or considered solely the responsibility of operations teams.

Benefits of having reliability at the table:

Examples of reliability at the table:

Overall, having reliability at the table is essential for building and operating systems that are resilient, scalable, and meet the needs of users.

Here are some tools and products that can help with Reliability having a seat at the table:

Observability Tools:

Reliability Engineering Tools:

Communication and Collaboration Tools:

Incident Management Tools:

Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Platforms:

These tools and products can help reliability engineers and SREs to monitor, analyze, and improve the reliability of their systems. They can also facilitate communication and collaboration between different teams, ensuring that reliability is a shared responsibility.

Here are some related terms to “reliability has a seat at the table”:

These terms are all related to the concept of ensuring the reliability and availability of systems and applications. They reflect the growing importance of reliability in modern software development and operations.


Before you can achieve “Reliability has a seat at the table,” several key elements need to be in place:

1. Leadership Commitment:

2. Cultural Shift:

3. Cross-Functional Collaboration:

4. Metrics and Measurement:

5. Tools and Resources:

6. Continuous Learning and Improvement:

7. Automation and Self-Service:

8. Incident Management Process:

9. Communication and Transparency:

10. Training and Education: - Providing training and education opportunities to help teams understand the principles and practices of reliability engineering.

By putting these elements in place, organizations can create an environment where reliability is valued and prioritized, and reliability engineers have a seat at the table, contributing their expertise to the design, development, and operation of reliable systems.

What’s next?

After achieving “Reliability has a seat at the table,” the next steps focus on continuous improvement and expanding the scope of reliability practices across the organization:

1. Define and Measure Reliability Goals:

2. Implement Reliability Engineering Practices:

3. Foster a Culture of Reliability:

4. Empower Reliability Teams:

5. Share and Learn from Others:

6. Invest in Automation:

7. Monitor and Analyze System Behavior:

8. Conduct Regular Reviews and Retrospectives:

9. Expand the Scope of Reliability:

10. Integrate Reliability into Business Objectives: - Align reliability goals with overall business objectives to demonstrate the value of reliability to the organization.

By taking these steps, organizations can further strengthen their commitment to reliability and build a foundation for持续改进.