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manual integration tests

Manual Integration Tests:


  • Testing the integration of a new payment gateway with an e-commerce website.
  • Verifying the compatibility of a third-party library with an existing software application.


Tools and Products for Manual Integration Testing:

Additional Resources:

Disclaimer: The tools and resources mentioned above are just a few examples, and there are many other options available. The choice of tool or product depends on the specific needs and preferences of the testing team.

Related Terms to Manual Integration Testing:

Other Related Terms:


Prerequisites for Manual Integration Testing:

What’s next?

Steps After Manual Integration Testing:

  1. Analyze Test Results: The testing team should тщательно analyze the test results to identify defects, failures, and any areas where the system or application does not meet the requirements.

  2. Document Defects: Identified defects should be documented in detail, including a clear description of the issue, steps to reproduce the issue, and expected vs. actual results.

  3. Communicate Defects: Defects should be communicated to the development team in a timely manner, using a defect tracking system or other appropriate communication channels.

  4. Prioritize Defects: The development team should prioritize defects based on their severity and impact on the system or application.

  5. Fix Defects: The development team should fix the defects and conduct unit tests to verify that the defects are resolved.

  6. Re-run Failed Test Cases: Once the defects are fixed, the testing team should re-run the failed test cases to verify that the system or application is now functioning as expected.

  7. Regression Testing: After fixing defects, regression testing should be conducted to ensure that the changes made to fix the defects have not introduced new issues or affected existing functionality.

  8. Sign-off: Once all defects are fixed and the system or application is functioning as expected, the testing team can sign off on the manual integration testing phase.

  9. Prepare for System Testing: If system testing is planned as the next phase, the testing team should prepare the test plan, test cases, and test environment for system testing.

  10. Continuous Monitoring: Even after manual integration testing is complete, it is important to continuously monitor the system or application in production to identify any potential issues or performance degradation.